Author: Girlintech
Blog Post 3
What was the most interesting topic from this week or the topic you enjoyed doing the most? The topic for the week I enjoyed learning about was Git/Github. What did you like about it? What is something that you found challenging about this topic? I liked that it was something new I was learning that I had…
Blog Post 2
This image is figure/ground because the image is very subjective. This image looks like paceman game eating triangles. It also looks like a big triangle over 3 circles. This image can be anything because it’s art and someone can see one thing and another person could think something else. It seems that the triangle is…
Why is tech exciting?
What excites me about web development/tech is the many things you can do with tech and web development. There are so many jobs in this field and I want to find out what jobs there are in this field. I have always been into the tech field but have always been afraid to start something…